Smartshop in Warmoesstraat

News of: Saturday, December 06 2014,

Amsterdam starts selling test kits for white heroin

In Amsterdam it is now possible to buy cheap (E 2,-) test kits, to test if the cocaine you bought contains heroin.

Recently, 3 tourists have died after using white heroin that was sold as cocaine, and 14 persons have been hospitalized (but survived).

Amsterdam decided to inform the public in a massive way, saying public health has the highest priority, above security and law enforcement.

In addition to the about 30 electronic text cars in the centre, and spreading leaflets and posters, Amsterdam started to sell test kits. They are for sale in 30 smartshops, but also sold through special stewards that sell the tests on the streets. The tests are intended to prevent more casualties.

Smartshop in Warmoesstraat

Smartshop in Warmoesstraat

Cocain alert billboard

Cocain alert billboard

White heroin test available

White heroin test available