Although since the liberalization of the taxi market in Amsterdam numerous other taxi companies are now operational, TCA is still Amsterdam's biggest and most well-known taxi company.
The easy phone number may have something to do with this: the number is 7777777 (7 x 7). If you dial from outside Amsterdam it is 020-7777777 and if you dial internationally: +31 (0)20 77777777.
Since March 1, 2017, TCA has a maximum rate for rides to and from Schiphol Airport. This rate is E 37.50 (between any address in Amsterdam and Schiphol Airport).
This is per ride, not per person.
The fare calculator on the TCA website does not yet quote the rate if you enter Vertrekpassage 1, Schiphol as destination address. The TCA website does not mention the fixed rate at all on its own site, but the person on the phone confirmed the new rate applies (on March 1, 2017).
If you would like to use the fixed rate, you should mention this to the taxi driver. Otherwise, the standard meter rate of E 60,- or more may apply.
TCA Taxi