Coffeeshop De Kroon

News of: Thursday, October 29 2015,

Coffeeshops in Amsterdam oppose new schools

Coffeeshops (selling soft drugs) are not allowed near schools. Coffeeshops that are less than 250 meter away from a school must close.

This is why a number of coffeeshops oppose the opening of a new school in the neighbourhood. The coffeeshops fear they have to close because of the school being too close by. They hired a law firm to prevent the new school from opening the new location.
The manager of the new school (Vinse School) says it's the world upside down.

The new school is located in Haarlemmerstraat in the centre of Amsterdam. The three coffeeshops that are respresented by the law firm are Barneys, Greenhouse and Popeye.
There are more coffeeshops in this neighbourhood that are too close to remain open.

The Amsterdam city council will discuss the issue next week. It then also discusses the remaining 15 coffeeshop that are still too close to a school to remain open.

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