The World of Food consists of about 20 different food stalls, in an old converted car park garage. All food stalls have a more or less exotic cuisine (African, Caribbean, Asian), which is to reflect the character of Amsterdam South-East, which has many immigrants.
The big exception to 'exotic' is the McDonalds restaurant (with drive-in) that is also part of World of Food.
Plus, next to the building is a student cafe, called Bacchus. This is because next to the World of Food is now a student campus, just finished in July 2015, where 1,700 university students live.
At World of Food you can eat all kinds of food (it is not for grocery shopping). The project is widely compared to the Foodhallen in Amsterdam West, but the Foodhallen are considered 'hip', and the World of Food not. In any case, World of Food has outdoor seating and free parking (and the Foodhallen don't).
World of Food may perhaps not be hip, but it's certainly 'off the beaten track'. If you go here, you're seriously outside tourist area.
Getting there is possible by bike or by car. By public transport: the nearest metro station is Amsterdam Bijlmer Arena, from which it is about a 20 minutes walk. (From Central Station you take the metro line to destination Gein).
World of Food, McDonalds
World of Food, Surinam pastry
World of Food, front side entrance
World of Food, pastry
World of Food
World of Food
World of Food, moksalesi
World of Food, McDonalds terrace
World of Food, meat
World of Food logo