News of: Wednesday, June 22 2005,

Mourning letters Theo van Gogh in Amsterdam City Archives (Gemeentearchief)

The letters and drawings that were placed on the location where film maker Theo van Gogh was killed last year will be preserved by the Amsterdam City Archives.

On the spot where Theo van Gogh was killed last year (November 2 2004) many hundreds of letters, drawings, flowers, toys and other objects were placed by citizens. The location (near Oosterpark/Linnaeusstraat) became a place of mourning for a few weeks, until everything had to be cleared away.

The killing shocked the entire Dutch society, and is still a topic of discussion, also in relationship with the position of Muslim immigrants (the murder was committed by a radical muslim Amsterdammer of Moroccan origin).

The Gemeentearchief (the Amsterdam City Archives) have now decided to store all paper objects in their archives. According to the Archives, the papers have historic relevance, so they have to collect these materials for posterity.

The letters and drawing may later be included in an exhibition.