The Hollandsche Manege is the oldest horse riding school in the Netherlands. The beautiful building, located very close to the Vondelpark, dates from 1882 and is now a listed monument.
Since October 2014 it has become a museum, the 'Dutch Equestrian School Museum Hollandsche Manege' or in Dutch 'Levend Paardenmuseum' (= 'Living Horses Museum'). The museum means there are some displays with horse riding equipment and about the history of the building. The building itself is the main thing you get to see.
In the Hollandsche Manege there are sometimes horse riding shows, named the 'Vondel Carousel'. The website has a calendar about this (also in English).
An entrance fee applies for the Vondel Carousel shows. If you pay for a show, entrance to the building (and hence the museum) is included.
The Hollandsche Manege is a 'living' museum. People train here for horse riding, dressage and voltige (gymnastics on horses).
In the building is also a cafe, where you can have something to drink or to eat.
The entrance is located at Vondelstraat 140 (not at Overtoom), best approached from the Vondelpark side.
Entrance Hollandsche Manege
Horse riding @ Hollandsche Manege (MacSiers Fotografie)
Museum display @ Hollandsche Manege
Dressage @ Hollandsche Manege
Stables @ Hollandsche Manege
Hollandsche Manege cafe
Voltige (gymnastics on horses) @ Hollandsche Manege