News of: Wednesday, November 05 2008,
The Amsterdam Dungeon has launched a special action for victims of the savings bank IceSave. If you bring a bank statement of your account, you get free access during the month of November.
The IceSave bank is an Icelandic savings bank that failed early October, after having aggressively marketed with high interest rates in several European countries.
The bankruptcy caused a stir in the Netherlands, as many clients lost part of their savings. As it turned out, the deposits were partly guaranteed by the Icelandic Central Bank (up to EUR 20,000), as opposed to most other savings accounts, which are guaranteed under the Dutch guarantee scheme.
The Icelandic government soon let know it couldn't pay out, as other Icelandic banks also failed, and the country just didn't have enough funds.
After pressure by the Dutch government, the Icelandic government has agreed to a loan from the Netherlands, so that it can pay the guaranteed moneys.
The Amsterdam Dungeon decided to give everyone who can produce a bank statement from his/her IceSave account free access to the attraction, which is basically a horror show.
The offer is valid throughout November of this year.
The special is not mentioned on the website, but a spokesperson confirmed it to us today.
The free access is not confirmed to Dutch IceSave bank victims. IceSave clients from other countries can make use of it too.
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