Coffeeshops in Amsterdam

Coffeeshops in Amsterdam

About 25% of the tourists visiting Amsterdam say they also visit one of the coffeeshops. It is one of the things that has made Amsterdam famous.

Although the government planned to outlaw soft drugs sales to non-inhabitants, this never was implemented in Amsterdam. And there are currently no plans to change this.

Coffeeshops are allowed to sell soft drugs (marihuana), provided:
- they don't sell hard drugs
- they don't advertise their business
- they don't cause problem in the neighbourhood (noise, traffic problems)
- they stick to the minimum age of 18 years.
- has a maximum amount of 500 grams of cannabis in stock.

On this page are some of the coffeeshops (but there are more, they're all over the place!)

Coffeeshops in Amsterdam
Here you can smook and drink

Here you can smook and drink