Albert Cuyp market

Albert Cuyp market

The Albert Cuyp market is probably the most famous (and certainly the largest) street market in Amsterdam. It is located in Albert Cuypstraat and runs all the way from Van Woustraat to Ferdinand Bolstraat.

The market is a 'general goods' market, meanding you can buy all sorts of goods, such as fruits, vegetables, fish, meat, cheese, but also clothes, general household articles, tools, etc. etc.

The market has existed for more than a century, and attracts tourists and Dutch visitors from all over the country. Around the market are many shops, also in the side streets, where you will also find a lot of cafes and restaurants.

Albert Cuypstraat, Amsterdam

Opening hours:
Mo-Sa, 10-5

Location of Albert Cuyp market Full screen map
Statue of singer André Hazes @ Albert Cuyp market

Statue of singer André Hazes @ Albert Cuyp market

Albert Cuyp market

Albert Cuyp market

Albert Cuyp music band

Albert Cuyp music band

Hotels close to Albert Cuyp market:

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